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As Library

Apart from using Connexions as a standalone application, you can also use it as a library without running any server instance.


go get

OpenAPI Parser

Load and parse OpenAPI specification file.
You can choose which provider to use:

libopenapi supports OpenAPI 3.1 and can handle circular references.
kin-openapi has validation functions.

Swagger is supported out of the box.
Document implements Document interface.

package main

import (

func main() {
    docFactory := connexions.NewDocumentFromFileFactory(config.LibOpenAPIProvider)
    doc, _ := docFactory("resources/petstore.yaml")
    fmt.Printf("Loaded document version %s, with %d resources\n", doc.GetVersion(), len(doc.GetResources()))

Schema Replacements

package main

import (

func main() {
    cfg := config.NewDefaultConfig("")

    schema := &openapi.Schema{
        Type: "object",
        Properties: map[string]*openapi.Schema{
            "id": {
                Type:   "string",
                Format: "uuid",
            "name": {
                Type: "string",
            "age": {
                Type:    "integer",
                Minimum: 20,
                Maximum: 30,

    contexts := []map[string]any{
        {"person": map[string]any{"name": "Jane", "age": 33}},
            "id":   []string{"111", "222"},
            "name": "Jane",
    replacer := replacers.CreateValueReplacer(cfg, replacers.Replacers, contexts)
    res := connexions.GenerateContentFromSchema(schema, replacer, nil)
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", res)

    // will print either:
    // `mmap[age:30 id:111 name:Jane]`
    // or
    // `mmap[age:30 id:222 name:Jane]`

Fake Functions

We use fakes from jaswdr/faker library.
Fake functions are gathered in one map with dotted key names.
All map values implement FakeFunc interface.

package main

import (

func main() {
    fakeMap := contexts.GetFakes()
    uuid := fakeMap["uuid.v4"]().Get()
    tag := fakeMap["gamer.tag"]().Get()
    fmt.Printf("uuid: %s, tag: %v\n", uuid, tag)

File Operations

package main

import ""

func main() {
    // will create complete path if it does not exist
    _ = connexions.SaveFile("/path/a/b/c/test.txt", []byte("hello world"))
    _ = connexions.CopyFile("/path/a/b/c/test.txt", "/path/a/b/c/test2.txt")
    _ = connexions.CopyDirectory("/path/a/b/c", "/path/a/b/c2")

Running Application Server

package main

import (

func main() {
    cfg := config.NewDefaultConfig("")
    cfg.App.Port = 8888

    app := api.NewApp(cfg)

    // add as many blueprints as needed.
    _ = app.AddBluePrint(func(router *api.Router) error {
        h := &ApiHandler{api.NewBaseHandler()}

        router.HandleFunc("/api/v1/route-1", h.myRoute1)
        router.HandleFunc("/api/v1/route-2", h.myRoute2)
        return nil

type ApiHandler struct {

func (h *ApiHandler) myRoute1(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        Message: "hello world",
        Success: true,

func (h *ApiHandler) myRoute2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    h.Response(w).WithHeader("content-type", "text/plain").Send([]byte("hello world"))